Custom metal keychains


Keyrings made of metal have a higher melting point which makes them more resistant to heat than other materials.

Metal keyrings can be made from stronger metals like iron, steel and copper. Metals are stronger than rubber and plastic .

Custom Keychains make great gifts, promotional items, and fund-raising items. Mark, a regular customer, asked us last week for help in choosing a promotional keychain. Our assistance was needed to help him decide between metal and rubber keychains. Our product specialists solved this problem.

Budget is the first thing to think about when planning a promotional campaign. Mark had a very comfortable promotional budget so we came to the conclusion that both metal and plastic keychains are great options.

Customer type
Next, Mark wanted to know his target audience. Is it a young, quirky crowd or a more formal and traditional audience? He explained that he was targeting a select group of high-value customers, including professional executives and professionals. keychains made a point.


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